Вопрос школьника по предмету E2
Даю — 80 баллов .Помогите пожалуйста , срочно !!!Учебник: с.98 у.1 ( с фразами, данные в этом упражнении, составить мини-диалоги, как показано в примере)
Готовый ответ эксперта-учителя
1 a-Have you ever cut your finger?
b-I have.
a And how did it happen?
b-Yesterday I cut bread with a knife and it slipped off my hand by accident.
2 a-Hey, why isn’t there one of your teeth in the mouth?
b- Ha, I’ve just chipped it.
a How did it happen?
b I was going downstairs and suddenly slipped the stairs off and fell my head to the floor. Also I banged it hard.
3. a What happened to your wrist, man?
b Oh, I sprained it three days ago.
a How did it happen?
b During the basketball match against different schools I reached out for the ball roughly and accidentally sprained my wrist. Then I fell to the ground badly that is why my ankle is being twisted, too.
4 a How is it going?
b It is going not alright. I’ve hurt my back.
a How did it happen?
b I was doing those exercises focusing on working out the back muscles and damaged them. I just bit off more than I could chew today.